Truth Be Told: How Long Does IPL Hair Removal Last?

how long does ipl hair removal last

IPL hair removal is rapidly growing in popularity, thanks to a myriad of at-home devices that are becoming available on the market today. IPL therapy is an easy and largely pain-free method that can be used for removing body hair particularly in your legs, bikini line, underarms, upper lip, chin, back, or even your arms. IPL hair removal can also dramatically reduce the number of hairs that grow around certain areas. It also has been known to have long-lasting results, especially compared to shaving, creams, or waxing.

So, how long does IPL hair removal last? How much time do you need to wait before you see results or, how many weeks does it take before you get treated again? All these questions and more will be answered in this article.

What is IPL Hair Removal?

facial skincare treatmentIPL is an abbreviation for Intense Pulsed Light. IPL treatments use broad-spectrum light to remove unwanted hair and skin imperfections like acne, broken blood vessels, and other cosmetic issues.

IPL works by targeting the melanin, or dark pigment in your hair follicles. Blasts of pulsed light are absorbed by the hair follicle which causes it to heat up and damage the root. Within one to two weeks after an IPL treatment, you will see the unwanted hair start to fall out and you will be left with a smooth, hair-free area.

Initially, an IPL treatment could only be administered by a clinician or a professional in a salon. However, thanks to advancements in technology, IPL is now safe enough to be done at home. Just remember that at-home IPL devices will not be as powerful as their commercial counterparts. Therefore, it will require more diligent treatments with these home versions to accomplish the hair removal task at hand.

Are IPL Results Permanent?

The main goal of IPL hair removal is to damage the hair follicle enough that it will stop growing hair and provide you with permanent results. However, this often takes numerous consistent treatments. While IPL will significantly reduce the thickness of hair, diminish regrowth, and cause an overall reduction in the treated areas, it is not considered to be a permanent hair removal option.

The only method of hair removal officially recognized as permanent is electrolysis. However, some IPL devices have been considered as able to provide permanent hair reduction.

How Long Will IPL Results Last?

IPL results will vary slightly from person to person, but more on that later. Generally speaking, an IPL hair removal treatment will provide you with long-lasting results. In fact, most people experience between 30% and 80% but can reach as much as 90% of hair growth reduction after several continuous sessions. Hence, it will depend on the consistency of the treatments.

Also, depending on the specific strength of the IPL device being used and the area undergoing treatment, most people need somewhere between 6 and 10 sessions every couple of weeks for it to work. Generally speaking, at-home devices will require more initial treatments compared to IPL devices used in a professional setting.

After the initial treatment sessions, some minimal upkeep may be required to maintain smooth results. In most cases, only one or two touchups per year will be all you need to make your IPL treatment last for an extended amount of time.

Other Factors Affecting the Longevity of IPL Results

IPL hair removal results are largely affected by the stage of growth the targeted hair is currently experiencing. IPL will only work on hair that is actively growing, which is called the anagen stage of hair growth. Due to the fact that different types of hair on your body go through stages of growth at different speeds, not all hair will be responsive to an IPL treatment simultaneously. This can directly affect how long your IPL treatment lasts and how well it will work.

Unfortunately, there is still limited data surrounding the longevity of reduction in hair growth when it comes to IPL treatments so it is hard to know for sure how long results will last. But as we said, most people experience significant hair reduction that is bordering on permanent.

Do IPL Results Vary Based on Skin Types and Hair Colours?

IPL hair removal is not recommended for all skin types and skin tones as it can be significantly less effective and also unsafe is some circumstances.

When it comes to skin tone, IPL works well on very pale or light to moderate brown skin. IPL is not advised for darker skin complexions. This is because darker skin tones absorb more of the light and make it hard for the IPL device to specifically treat and target the melanin in the hair follicle.

As far as hair colour is concerned, IPL can treat darker hair. It is compatible with light and dark hair colours. However, it is not recommended for extremely pale or bleached, grey, or red hair as these shades lack the amount of melanin needed for IPL hair removal to be effective.

What You Can Expect With IPL Hair Removal Treatment

Now that we know how IPL hair removal works and how long it can potentially last, there are just a couple more things that you should know before you start an IPL treatment at home.

How to Achieve the Best Results

a beautiful woman wearing bikinisBefore you treat an area with an IPL device, it is important to get it ready. When it comes to the efficiency of the treatment and the safety of the area, shorter hair is better. For this reason, shaving is recommended the night before each session, or better yet 24 hours before the treatment.

This allows the hair follicle to be targeted with greater accuracy and prevents unnecessary pain or discomfort during the session. If the hairs around the areas you treat are long, they can absorb a lot of heat and may even lead to burns on your skin. Shaving first is best because it eliminates this possible side effect and keeps you safe. Never consider waxing, as it will pull the follicles out. You need the hair follicles and melanin to be intact for the success of this hair removal process.

What Does IPL Feel Like?

Initially, this type of hair removal method could be quite uncomfortable. This is because early IPL models lacked cooling agents and filters that are found in more modern devices. However, thanks to advances in IPL technology, the side effects and painful sensations caused by the treatments have been significantly reduced. IPL is now thought to be largely pain-free and generally comfortable throughout the entire treatment.

For the most part, people report feeling a warm tingling sensation in the area during treatment. Some users have compared the discomfort to a thin rubber band being flicked against their skin.


There are many ways to remove unwanted hair from your body. IPL hair removal is one option that offers long-lasting results. However, the strength of your IPL device, the condition of the area, and the consistency of the treatments play a major role in the outcome.

Now that we have the answer to our initial question – how long does IPL hair removal last, how do you feel about it? Do you still want to give it a try? Is IPL a suitable solution for your skin tone and hair colour? Please share your thoughts or even your hair-free regimen in the comments.

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