Best Lawn Feed Reviews UK 2023 – Top 10 Comparison

best lawn feed

Our editors independently research the best products online to produce this list. We may receive commission on purchases made from the links below but this will never affect our product choices.

Our Favourites

Editor’s Choice: EverGreen 400 SQM
Value Choice: Miracle-Gro Evergreen
All-in-One Choice: Vitax Green Up

If you’re looking for the best lawn feed to make your garden look incredible, then you’ve come to the right place. As the centrepiece of your garden, your lawn can instantly transform how your property looks, adding curb appeal, or detracting from your home’s overall appearance.

With the right lawn feed, you can ensure that you get the most luxurious-looking lawn, without having to worry about exhausting and time-consuming lawn care. A good lawn feed can be essential for those who want bright green grass that’s free from moss and weeds, especially for those living in the United Kingdom. However, choosing the right liquid feed or granular feed is easier said than done.

In a world where there are countless lawn feeder models to choose from, how do you know you’re getting the best deal? We’ve searched through lawn feed reviews on your behalf to figure out exactly what you can accomplish with the best grass feed on the market.

Here’s your lawn feed buying guide.

How We Compared Lawn Feeds

lawn feeds collage

To find the right lawn feeds we considered multiple factors including:

  • Formula
  • Ease of use
  • Coverage
  • Level of nitrogen
  • Pet and child friendly

Our team planned comparison points and specifically looked for products that would cater to all kinds of needs. We spent countless hours researching, consulting customer reviews and comparing features to come up with this list.

To find out more about our process please see here.

Best Lawn Feed Reviews – Top 10 Picks

1. EverGreen 400 SQM (Editor’s Choice)

evergreen-400-sqmThis complete four-in-one lawn treatment aims to deliver the best lawn feed and weed killer in one amazing mix. With this EverGreen product, you can create a thicker and healthier lawn while getting rid of weeds and moss at the same time.

The intelligent WaterSmart formula in the lawn feed helps to absorb nutrients and water more effectively for your grass so that it’s protected from things like drought.

Easy to use and formulated to produce excellent results, the EverGreen lawn feed is one of the best options on the market today, ideal for those who want a lush lawn without the moss growth. However, the EverGreen company does recommend using a lawn spreader if you want to get the most out of this particular lawn care option. If you use too much of the substance at once, it can destroy patches of grass, so be careful to follow the instructions carefully.


  • Brilliant weed and feed formula
  • Excellent for encouraging root growth
  • Can cover a lot of space at once
  • Easy to use
  • Great for avoiding drought


  • Works best with a spreader
  • Can kill grass when over-used
  • Instructions could be better

2. Miracle-Gro Evergreen (Best Value)

miracle-gro-evergreenIf you’re looking for a lawn feed that comes with an affordable price tag, then you’re in luck. The Miracle-Gro Evergreen solution offers one of the best lawn feeders on the market, capable of creating thicker, greener and healthier lawns.

The WaterSmart formula in this lawn feed helps to get the nutrients and water that your plants need right down into the roots. When applied with a spreader, it delivers a highly soluble lawn solution that’s ideal for even coverage.

This grass fertiliser also functions as a weed killer and moss killer. It can be spread by hand but will require a lawn spreader for even coverage. Additionally, it can take a while before you see any major differences in your grass.


  • Affordable price
  • Works well over time
  • Creates thicker and greener grass
  • Covers a lot of ground
  • Helps grass to absorb nutrients


  • Requires a lawn spreader to work well
  • Takes a while for the lawn feed to show results

3. Vitax Green Up (Best All-in-One)

vitax-green-upOne of the best lawn weed and feed products we’ve seen so far, the Vitax Green Up product is an all in one feed and weed solution. That means that you don’t just get some great lawn food, you also get rid of moss and weeds at the same time.

If you’re looking for an easy apply solution to get the best lawn in your neighbourhood, this could be the tool for you. All you need is your Green Up grass fertiliser and a watering can get started.

This soluble lawn feed is easy to apply and it comes with great instructions to follow. You can also enjoy plenty of coverage from a single pack, so you don’t have to worry about constantly stocking up to deal with weeds and moss. Great for a range of different kinds of lawn, this product may also work within a matter of days if you apply it properly.

You can apply the Vitax lawn food between April and September. However, according to the reviews we read, it’s important to be careful. Although this product addresses the lawn needs many customers have, some found that it is not suitable for very damaged lawns. Additionally, although it can improve your grass, no matter how much you use your watering can, you might find that your solution doesn’t last long.


  • Weed killer and lawn food in one
  • Excellent for different types of lawn
  • Works well for most lawns
  • Easy to use design
  • One of the less complex types of lawn feed


  • Doesn’t work on very damaged grass
  • Only works for a limited period of time

4. Pro-Kleen Iron Sulphate (Best for Wet or Dry Application)

pro-kleen-iron-sulphateAnother contender for the best lawn fertiliser UK experts have to offer is the Pro-Kleen sulphate lawn food. This high-quality lawn feed is excellent for encouraging the thick and healthy growth of your grass.

The professional-grade mixture in this lawn care solution ensures that you can improve your grass quality, rather than just making it greener. What’s more, the lawn feed also helps to prevent lawn disease, though you’ll need to get your watering can out regularly to take true advantage.

In addition, not only is this sulfate great at giving you a long-lasting effect, but it’s easy to apply too, so you don’t have to spend as much time on your lawn care. The Pro-Kleen solution offers excellent coverage and can be applied wet or dry.

However, the instructions aren’t very useful or easy to follow. Additionally, you will need to spend some time dissolving it in water before using it. This substance also doesn’t work as a moss killer either.


  • Great coverage
  • Wet or dry application
  • Makes grass healthier quickly
  • Doesn’t require lots of time and attention
  • Premium ingredients throughout


  • Doesn’t kill moss and weeds too
  • Not very easy to follow the instructions
  • Can be a little patchy on some lawn types
No products found.

5. Miracle-Gro Water Soluble (Best Water Soluble Choice)

miracle-gro-water-solubleAnother excellent product from Miracle-Gro, this soluble lawn feed is great for those who don’t mind using their watering can to get the most of their lawn fertilisers.

Like other slow release fertilisers, Miracle-Gro can give you a great green lawn with plenty of lush grass within five days. The impact of the lawn feed continues to take effect for long after this too.

You can use the Miracle-Gro soluble lawn solution between March and October, and the dissolved nutrients mean that you reduce the risk of any scorching. If you’ve used granules before and noticed how difficult it is to avoid scorching, then this could be the product for you. The Miracle-Gro water-soluble solution gives you a richer and greener lawn quickly, but you should ensure that the lawn soil is at least moist before you start applying.

One downside to this lawn feed is that although it does work quite quickly for some customers, others said that they used it for months without noticing any significant changes to their lawns. Additionally, there isn’t a lot of information available on how to use the product, so you might have trouble if you’re new to using these kinds of lawn fertilisers.


  • Easy to use lawn food
  • Works quickly for man users
  • Creates lush and healthy grass that lasts
  • Better than other granule lawn feed that can risk scorching
  • Good pricing


  • Not ideal for some types of lawn grass
  • Not a lot of information available with the product

6. GUARD-EN-FORCE Premium Iron Sulphate (Luxury Choice)

guard-en-force-premium-iron-sulphateIf you’re looking for a luxurious lawn feed and weed killer option that can offer you an amazing performance within an easy to apply design, GUARD-EN-FORCE has you covered.

This lawn greening solution includes high dosages of nutrients for grass greening, with a 3-in-1 formula that includes iron sulphate. There’s the option to dissolve this granular lawn feed into the water, which works best if you want even coverage. Additionally, GUARD-EN-FORCE boasts that it is regularly used by expert gardeners.

Although this product is more of a lawn feed than a moss killer, it can help to keep your grass looking amazing, no matter what kind of lawn you have. The research that the company has done into its proprietary blend shows that it can even prevent diseases on your lawn.

On the downside, you don’t get a lot of iron sulphate for your money with this product, so it might not be ideal for those on a budget. Additionally, it can often arrive with a torn or split bag, which can be a problem for many customers according to the lawn feed reviews that we read.


  • Excellent iron sulphate fertiliser
  • Suits a wide variety of lawn needs
  • Helps to prevent grass diseases
  • High-quality design in granular form
  • Granular lawn feed can be mixed with water


  • Often has a split bag on delivery
  • Don’t get a lot of lawn feed for your money

7. Scotts Slow Release (Best for Spring)

Scotts Slow ReleaseThe lawn feed from Scotts is a simple and effective way to have more power over your garden with your watering can. It is designed to give you thicker and greener lawns every time you water your grass, easily making it one of the best lawn feed options for spring gardening.

After one application of the lawn fertilisers from Scotts, you can expect your lawn to stay thick and healthy for up to 10 weeks.

This non-scorch fertiliser requires absolutely no water, and it covers areas of up to 100 square metres. If you’re looking for something affordable and reliable to cover your lawn needs, this could be the perfect product for you. It’s easy to apply, but it can have some patch problems occasionally.

The soluble lawn feed from Scotts should be able to boost your lawn’s growth within very little time. However, some reviewers said that the performance of the lawn food was a bit hit or miss.


  • Can improve the lawn in 3 days
  • Lawn stays thicker and longer for 10 weeks
  • Slow-release and smart formula
  • No-scorch fertiliser
  • No need to water in


  • Requires a lawn food spreader
  • Doesn’t always work as well depending on the time of year

8. Miracle-Gro Evergreen Spray (Ready to Use Option)

miracle-gro-evergreen-sprayThe Evergreen lawn food from Miracle-Gro claims that it can transform your lawn care routine within 24 hours if it’s used in normal growing conditions. This means that if you have particularly problematic grass then you might not be able to get the best results from this substance, no matter how much you water it.

The good news is that there’s no need for any watering to get you started. The lawn feed comes ready to use. All you need to do is attach it to a hose to feed your lawn and water it at the same time. You can accomplish coverage of up to 100 square metres with this lawn feed, and it’s very easy to apply making it a great choice for beginners who haven’t used lawn feeds before.

Simple and effective, the Miracle-Gro Evergreen spray actually works. The special formula in this lawn food helps lawns to recover quickly from daily damage. However, you won’t be able to completely repair a damaged patch of grass with it immediately. Your results might vary depending on what kind of lawn you have, and the state of your grass.


  • Very easy to apply
  • Doesn’t require a watering can
  • One of the best coverage options
  • Comes ready to use
  • Delivers a rich and healthy grass colour


  • Doesn’t kill moss and weeds
  • May not work for damaged grass

9. Elixir Gardens Complete (Best Granular)

elixir-gardens-completeIf you’re looking for something that combines slow release fertilisers with instant lawn feeds and easy to apply weeds and moss killers – we’ve got you covered. This is one of the best all in one lawn feed options on the market. If you’re looking for an excellent fertiliser for your lawn, then the Elixir Gardens Complete formula can make looking after your yard easily.

Not only is this one of the best lawn feed options for its excellent potassium content and sulphates, but it’s also great at killing weeds. There’s a mixture of 3 specially designed substances to kill weeds in the lawn feed, as well as a granular product for moss control too.

You can spread this lawn feed by hand or using a conventional spreader. Additionally, a single bag of the lawn feeds from Elixir covers a huge surface area, so you won’t need to spend a fortune stocking up on the best lawn feed that money can buy either. The only downside is that you do need to get the spread very even. This means that you might need to spend more on a really powerful spreader.

Additionally, like some of the other lawn feeds we’ve looked at so far, this product can also take a little while to work.


  • Excellent for killing weeds and moss
  • Easy to apply and easy to use
  • Excellent mixture of ingredients
  • Can be applied by hand
  • Makes getting the best lawn easier


  • You need a really good spreader to get it even
  • Can take a while to work
  • Might not kill all of your weeds

10. Westland Aftercut (Best High Nitrogen)

westland-aftercutFinally, if you’re looking for the best lawn feed and weed killer in one, Westland Aftercut is another great choice. This lawn feed comes with everything you need to get the best lawn and get rid of moss at the same time. The high-level moss control content comes with nitrogen to banish moss while giving your grass the healthy boost that you need. At the same time, you can cut down on the number of weeds in your garden too.

Easy to use and providing plenty of coverage for your entire garden, all you need to do is apply this lawn feed and water your grass to start seeing results. The more water you apply, the more you’ll see the grass grow. Just keep in mind that you need to be careful about the amount that you apply, even on top of moss and weeds, as it can burn your grass.

You may also need one of the best lawn spreader devices to take full advantage of this lawn feed, as it’s important that you get a very even spread. If you accidentally go over areas that you have already treated, then you might not be able to get the right results.


  • One of the best lawn feed options for balanced growth
  • Kills weeds and moss as well as offering lawn feed
  • Easy to use and apply
  • High level of nitrogen for growth control
  • Covers a lot of surface area


  • Requires one of the best lawn spreaders to spread evenly
  • Can burn your grass easily

Lawn Feed Buying Guide

man-feeding-grass-using-spreaderHaving a gorgeous lawn means investing in lawn care essentials such as lawn mowers, petrol hedge trimmers, and garden hoses in addition to lawn feeders. The right tools are needed to keep your yard lush, green, and beautiful.

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for choosing the ideal lawn feed for your needs. As you can see in the reviews above, lawn feed comes in a range of different varieties, and the one that you need will depend on the kind of lawn you have, among other things.

Some people just want a lawn feed that they can use to improve the quality of their yard. Other people want to be able to water their gardens and feed the lawn at the same time.

What Is the Best Fertiliser for Lawns?

Just like when you’re choosing accessories like solar water features and bird tables for your yard, you’ll also need to think carefully about what constitutes the best lawn feed for your garden. Think about when the lawn feed needs to be applied (what time of year) and how much work it requires for upkeep purposes. Usually, the right lawn feed will also be one that provides protection from weeds and moss while feeding your lawn.

If you can get a lawn feed that doubles up as a moss and weeds killer, then you can reduce the amount of time you spend working on your garden. Even better, if you can find a lawn feed that offers a free sample pack, you can try the solution before you spend a lot on your new product.

When Should I Feed My Lawn?

green yard with a tree and a carUnfortunately, just like giving your plants plenty of water, using the best lawn feed is something that you need to think about all year round. You can’t just apply your lawn feed once and expect to see long-lasting results. Your lawn will thrive best if you make sure that you have a lawn feed option for every time of year. Make sure that you check the instructions on the packaging to see what season your lawn feed works best in.

Spring Lawn Feed

Spring lawn feed is usually applied sometime in April, depending on whether the water has started to warm up from winter yet. You will need to cut the lawn a couple of times and make sure that you water it before you start applying your lawn feed. You might want to wait until flowers start blooming before adding your lawn feed too.

Summer Lawn Feed

Usually, you apply the best lawn feed for summer around 10 or 14 weeks after your spring treatment. If you’re lucky enough to have dry weather in your part of the world, then you can avoid the fertiliser. You might decide to simply add substances that will help to nourish your lawn and protect the grass instead.

Autumn Lawn Feed

In the Autumn, the best time to apply lawn feed is usually around September. Once again, you’ll need to take things like weather patterns and temperature into account. However, you should not have to water your grass yourself when applying lawn feed in autumn. Wait until it begins to rain instead. Remember to make sure that you’re using the best lawn feed for winter and autumn months too. A lot of lawn feed options won’t work at this time of year. Be careful to choose something that can get rid of moss and weeds at the same time if possible.

Winter Lawn Feed

Finally, you can add winter lawn feed to your garden throughout the final months of the year, but most people simply feed their lawn during the Autumn and then wait until the spring to start again. If you do decide to add lawn feed to your garden during winter, you might need something with very high iron content.

Can You Overfeed a Lawn?

Feeding your lawn regularly is the key to making sure that you can always enjoy fresh and healthy green grass in your garden. In an ideal world, you’ll learn how to feed your lawn early on and create a schedule that you can use to keep on top of the grass. Make sure that you’re dealing with moss and weeds and applying plenty of regular water to your grass while you’re feeding it. Weeds can very quickly destroy even the very best of lawns.

Just remember that while it’s important to make sure that you’re feeding your lawn as often as you need to, it’s also possible to overfeed a lawn if you’re not careful. Applying too much lawn feed to a garden on a regular basis could mean that you end up with scorched or burned grass. That’s the last thing that you want when you’ve put so much time and effort into creating the ideal lawn.

Choosing a Lawn Feed for Your Yard

Hopefully, the lawn feed reviews above will have helped you to make an informed decision about the best product for your needs.

The best lawn feed comes in many different styles, so it’s up to you to choose what’s right for your garden. The search may be long and tedious but once you find your ideal lawn feed and use it regularly, you can continue to see the benefit in your garden.

We like the EverGreen 400 option because it can deal with weed problems and moss at the same time as feeding your grass. It encourages root growth and covers wide areas all at once, so you don’t have to spend too much on extra products. If you’re looking for a good all-in-one option, this could be it.

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